Cantrip sat at the bar, gingerly twisting around to watch as Selena and Fletcher entered The Two Brothers.  The initial ministrations of Michael Murchadha as well as her follow-up sessions with the clerics had mended her wounds admirably, but her side still felt like it was being stabbed by a thousand needles every time she turned too fast or too far.  This was her first trip back to the tavern since the incident and she did not want to overdo things for herself.  She raised her glass in way of a greeting as her two friends sat down on either side of the mage and ordered drinks of their own.

Selena thanked Kevin, who was tending the bar at the late hour.  Taking a long pull from her glass, she turned to the other two.  “Well, the good news is that we definitely have a description of the man who set off the device that led to that disaster in the street.  A number of people saw him coming down the street before it went off.  They described him as tall, but hunched over.  It was unclear whether that was because of the weight of the device he had or just his natural posture.”

Fletcher took a slow drink and looked out at the sparse crowd.  A few matches had begun for this round of the Brawl, but the arenas were dead at this time of night.  The only patrons were well-known regulars, but even they had mostly gone home for the night.  One of the wait staff, Iris, finished cleaning one of the far tables.  Her magical staff had finished clearing the tavern of the last bits of the unfortunate excrement incident and were now back in storage, wherever that was.

Selena continued her description.  “Witnesses said he was skinny and rather gangly.  One of them claimed to have heard him muttering something about running late to get here to the The Two Brothers.  However, this happened during a lull in matches, so I can’t imagine what the hurry might have been.”

Cantrip quizzically looked at the rogue.  “I wonder if he-”

“PHILOMENA!!!”, came a joyous shout from behind the bar.  Chris rushed out from the back office, did a leap over the bar, and embraced his sister in a bear hug.  Cantrip squeaked in pain, causing Chris to release his grip and stumble backwards.

“I’m sorry, sis,” he stammered.  “I didn’t think about your injuries.  But you’re here!  And vertical!  And just in time to celebrate with us!”

Cantrip stared at her brother in confusion.  Chris looked from her to Kevin and back again.  “He didn’t tell you, did he?  I should have known.”

Chris went back around the bar to where Kevin was standing and put his taller brother in a mock headlock.  “Our dear brother is getting married!!”

Cantrip threw her hands in the air in celebration, immediately regretted the action, then tried to hug her brother over the bar anyway.  As she released him, Fletcher reached over to shake Kevin’s hand and Selena began squealing with Cantrip and rattling off material she would need to acquire for a dress.  In the far end of the room, Iris dropped the plates she was carrying, watching them shatter on the floor.  Cursing to herself, the waitress went off to find a broom.

Cantrip focused again on her brothers.  “So,” she said, “how did it happen?  Give me the details!”

Kevin lifted a finger and opened his mouth, but it was Chris who began talking.  “It was so romantic!  Vala said she just came down here to say hi, but it was like Kevin knew she was coming.  He had Iris’ staff lay out rose petals from the entrance all the way to the center of the tavern.  He used a series of candles, torches, lanterns, and mirrors to focus light right at a spot next to him.  When she came and stood there, all of the lights turned purple, he got down on one knee, she said yes before he even asked the question, and everyone cheered.  Even her father was here, though I think he was just relieved that he hadn’t needed his invention after all.”

Kevin gave his brother a knowing look.  “What?”, Chris asked.  “You were the one who wanted to wait to break the news to them until Cantrip was feeling better.  And you hate talking about yourself anyway.  Besides, I didn’t even mention the talk you and Doc had beforehand.”

“Doc?” asked Selena.

“Doc is Vala’s father,” Kevin answered.  “He teaches at some university in the city.  He can have a bit of a mean streak in him, especially when he talks about Vala’s uncle, but he loves her and seems to really be trying his best here.”

Fletcher looked at Cantrip and Selena, the suspicion on his face clearly mirrored in theirs.  Cantrip spoke for all of them.  “Um, can you describe what Doc looks like?”

Chris crunched his face in surprise.  “That’s an odd question.  He’s pretty tall, but kinda hunched.  There’s not much to him; looks like a strong breeze might blow him away.  Why do you ask?”

“One more question,” continued Selena, taking over for Cantrip.  “When did the proposal happen?”

“Well, that’s a bit more complicated,” explained Chris.  “It was apparently supposed to happen the day of Philomena’s accident, but Doc really wanted to be there and he got caught in the same ruckus as you all did.  In fact, he tripped during the whole thing and destroyed his invention, which he was really upset about.  Kevin wanted to wait for you, Philomena, but decided he couldn’t wait anymore and proposed the next day.”

Fletcher sighed inwardly.  They had found the professor.