Aerich, without missing the clue, picked up her wizardly staff, then began incantations for a pair of cantrips. Raelyn interjected, “What is this, some sort of parlor trick from a sideshow magician?” The wizard glared at her friend, and with a quiet snap, a gust of wind knocked the pouch over, while a small glowing globe floated low over the table. The Globular Orb cast a nearly invisible light, perfect for two criminals entrenched in their misdemeanors. Aerich quickly smiled at her companion and mouthed, “No touching, right?”
Raelyn followed her friend’s cues and quickly pulled a blank piece of parchment and a quill from her backpack. Then, with the speed of a well-trained ranger, she swiftly copied the details of the documents and made a perfect replica of the map of the tunnels underneath the Tipsy Turtle Inn.
When a random bar patron got too close to their table, Aerich cleared her throat and dispelled the orb. Raelyn pocketed her parchment, quill, and ink pot while a second Gust of Wind cantrip pushed the original documents back into their case and secured them. As the two criminals hastily exited the Tipsy Turtle Inn, Raelyn laughed and said, “It’s time to deliver these untouched documents to our bosses.”