🥊The Ultimate Showdown!🥊
Greetings, Fighter enthusiasts! Today, we bring you an exclusive rundown of the thrilling results from the “HR Fight Club: Clash of Champions” tournament, where 12 of the most elite fighter pilots among all of Thandar battled it out for supremacy in the ultimate showdown to become known as the “Best in Clash.”
The Field:
Season 1 of the HRFC began in June 2023 and ran all the way through Sept 2023 involving four main events. The name of the game was Fighter Mirror Matches and there certainly were a lot of of them played. There were 32 total Fight Club participants but only those who could finish in the top 4 of one of the main events could get an invite to the Clash of Champions.
The Group Stage:
The group stage had two groups of six clash hopefuls. The format here was human fighters only and each player had to face each of their group opponents three times. That is a total of 15 games played but only the top two players from the group by win percentage could make it to the final stage.
Group A had a tight fight but Filtrophobe (9-6) took the first spot and GlitterFart (9-6) took the second, edging out Nudletuple, Zembu, and Lunapig who were all one-win short (8-7).
Group B was not so close of a finish due to DaKatSesMeow’s commanding record (11-4) who took the first spot and CCAA’s close repeat (10-5) taking the second spot. Both Machetout (9-6) and Ruksak (7-8) didn’t make the cut.
The Final Stage:
Because fighter mirror matches can be over very quickly and can be determined by a deck shuffle, the format for the finals had more games per round to try and flatten the RNG curve. The semi-finals were a best-of-5 and the finals were a grueling best-of-7.
The semi-final match-ups were
Filtrophobe vs CCAA ultimately resulted in Filtrophobe advancing.
DaKatSesMeow vs GlitterFart but only DaKatSesMeow would advance.
The final match of, these two HR titans, Filtrophobe vs DaKatSesMeow would go the entire 7 games. The final match ended with both people at one health each which means it was a pretty close fight all the way. In the end, Filtrophobe would emerge the victor 🏆 awarding him the title of “Best in Clash.”

Be sure to congratulate the top finishers when you see them.
The Future:
HRFC will be returning for season 2 in January of 2024, hoping the ancestry update is in the production app by then. The new season f format will be very similar to season 1 but will include all the ancestries for the fighter.
You can take a look at the official Realms Rising Fight Club page which is new and fresh.
Keep an eye on that page for announcements for the start of season 2.
Lastly, you can always find all the past/present HRFC events here on Challonge if you are ever curious about it
Thank you to the 31 other people who participated in season 1 of the Hero Realms Fight Club. I appreciate your support for the event.
My your decks always stay thin -WardenSlayer