The crew is back on track with your regularly scheduled episodes and to kick things off, they’re doing an immediate reaction to the live call with WWG teammates – Joel and Tan! The two hosted an event on the WWG discord to discuss the discrepancy between their data and the data of Hero Helper and experiences of the Realms Rising community. See links section below to find an uploaded recording of the discussion.
Lots of great info to dive into from that talk but the group doesn’t stop there! After saying goodbye to Scrapforce, we dive into the usual – a WWYD followed by an interesting Looking for Lethal that features some of the newest cards to hit the beta. And speaking of those new cards, this is the secondary main segment of the episode – analyzing the Imperial and Necros cards in the Journeys Promos pack. Rounding things out is perhaps the longest Community Roundup of all time before some scraps, taps, and goodbyes! Thanks for checking out Episode 71.
Reaction to WWG Live Call: 07:22
WWYD: 51:26
LFL: 1:02:01
Journeys Promo Analysis Imperial Cards:1:08:18
Journeys Promo Analysis Necros Cards: 1:26:10
Community Round-up: 1:46:40
Taps/Scraps and Goodbyes: 2:08:08
Live Call YouTube Upload:
Visual Spoiler for Journeys Promo Pack: